Authorship & Interaction
Samina Parvin
Conditional Design
The Perfect Circle
Draw a perfect circle which is larger then the previous one. Each person took 60 seconds to draw their circle until it filled up the page. Finish when you reach the end of the page.

Initial setup
● Play with 4 players
● Each player as coloured pen: red, green, blue and black.
● Each player places a dot on the sheet at an arbitrary position but not further than 10 cm from each other.
● The players take turns.

Task to be performed every turn by each player

Draw a straight line
1. The line must connect two dots.
2. The angle of the line must be within the following range: 0 to 45 degrees for the black lines, 45 to 90 degrees for the blue lines, 90 to 135 degrees for the red lines,
135 to 180 degrees for the green lines.
3. Connect the line to an existing line if possible.
4. Draw the shortest possible line from your starting point. If you enclose an area (a plane surrounded by lines) then hatch it with the lines parallel to the line you
enclosed the area with. The enclosed area may not contain unconnected dots or open ended lines.

Place a dot
The position of the dot is not further away than 10 cm from other dots and not inside the convex hull of all dots.

Initial setup
● Play with four participants.
● Each participant has a coloured pen: red, green, blue or black.
● The participants take clockwise turns.

Tasks performed the first turn by each participant
1. Lift your corner of the paper from the table and bring it to any place on the paper so that one other corner must be lifted too.
2. While keeping the corner at its position, press the paper flat and make a fold.
3. Unfold the paper again to its standard position.
4. Place a dot somewhere on your fold.

Tasks performed all following turns by each Pparticipant

Folding the paper
1. Bring your corner of the paper to the end of the line drawn by the participant on your right.
2. If that participant has only placed a dot, bring your corner to that dot.
3. While keeping the corner at its position, press the paper flat and make a fold.
4. Unfold the paper again to its standard position.
5. If the fold is almost parallel to the edge of the paper, place some small dots at the ends of the fold, so to clearly mark it as your fold.

Draw a straight line
1.Start your line at the end of your last drawn line.
2. Your line should always follow a fold.
3. Your line may cross other lines but it may not be on top of other lines.
4.The end of your line should always be where one of your own folds crosses a fold by someone else.
Each turn, find the most empty space on the paper and place a dot in the middle of it. Do this as quickly as you can in 5 minutes.
The Beach